Iznik Pottery, Sterling Silver & Gems: Perfect Recipe for Turkish Jewelry Delights Part 2
Welcome to the 2nd part of this blog where I talk about integrating unique materials, particularly ceramic creations, into my handmade Sterling silver and gemstone jewelry. In the first part of my blog I presented to you the history of Iznik pottery. I also showed you the Harem Bracelet that I made using Sterling silver, gemstones and of course that beautiful Iznik style pottery bead featuring the gorgeous traditional tulip.

Today I have 2 pairs of delightful earrings for you. These earrings are quite one-of-a-kind as they feature, you have guessed it, Iznik style ceramic beads. The first pair of earrings are stud type earrings which I made by setting in Sterling silver two very colorful ceramic beads. These ceramic creations are similar to Iznik style pottery and have been handmade by another artist. The second pair of earrings dangle nicely as the Iznik style ceramic pieces by the same artist are adorned with glowing red agate beads.

The ceramic beads all have hand painted floral patterns in line with Iznik pottery tradition. I in particular like the tulips that are featured. They are just like the authentic ones aren't day?
Until I talk about another creation of mine next time, best wishes to all you jewelry lovers.