Imperial Byzantium: A Necklace with Royal Roots
In this blog I will tell you about Imperial Byzantium, an elegant statement necklace of royal heritage. This necklace is a part of my handmade themed necklaces collection. I think it stands out due to its unique accents and vibrant gemstones.

Imperial Byzantium Necklace
This stylish Imperial Byzantium Necklace has a large museum quality reproduction Byzantine coin centerpiece. The coin is gold plated and set in Sterling silver. It shows Jesus Christ holding the Gospels.
The necklace is adorned with crimson red agate, shimmering black onyx and miniature jade gemstone beads. Graceful 925 Sterling silver symbols of royalty, religion and power in the form of two Orthodox Christian crosses, an "ichthus", an acorn, a floral dress ornament and another fine Byzantine gold plated coin further accent this luxurious necklace. The clasp is also handmade from 925 Sterling silver.
For one that does not know the secret, the Sterling silver fish figure known as the ichthus may seem ordinary. The ichthus is a symbol created from two intersecting arcs resembling a fish. It was used by early Christians as a secret symbol now known to us as "sign of the fish" or "Jesus fish". The ichthus in Greek is a backronym, which translates into English as "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior".
In the ancient times acorn has been the symbol of power. The oak tree, which bears acorns, was sacred to Zeus, the king of Greek Gods. By using the acorn in this necklace, I wanted to emphasize the connection between the Byzantine and the Greeks.
In case you are curious to see how the necklace fits here are some photos from our Newport Beach photoshoot. You will see several other jewelry items in these photos which you may also find interesting.

From Our Newport Photoshoot: Imperial Byzantine Necklace
I have always been impressed with the Byzantine Empire, its power and glory, as well as its culture, mastery of architecture, artistry. In my many travels to Istanbul, I have felt the presence of Byzantine culture through glorious churches and city walls that they have built. I think all these things combined with my love for the ancient inspired me to make the Imperial Byzantium Necklace.
Byzantium is an ancient Greek colony located on the Bosporus. The strait connecting the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. Roman Emperor Constantine I chose Byzantium as the site of a new Roman capital and named it Constantinople. Over the years, the western Roman empire slowly lost its power and finally was over taken, However, Byzantine Empire blossomed for another 1000 years mostly due to its geographical location and stable internal politics.
The Byzantine Empire was the most powerful economic, cultural, and military force in Europe. The Byzantine Emperors ruled over the Empire from Constantinople and their authority reached far beyond borders. The culture of Byzantium was rich and affluent, while science and technology also flourished. Religion entered into every aspect of Byzantine life from holidays to architecture it was ever present. The style of Byzantine art exclusively focused on religious expressions of church teachings which turned into artistic terms. Byzantine mosaics on walls and domes of churches, as well frescos are can still be seen in all their glory in modern day Istanbul. Hagia Sophia and Chora Church contain some of the finest examples.

Hagia Sophia Istanbul

Chora Church Istanbul

Jesus Christ Mosaic, Hagia Sophia Istanbul
In the Byzantine Empire jewelry played an important role by setting the social status. Laws regulated the types of jewelry that may be worn. Byzantine jewelry has its roots stemming from the Roman times. The Roman techniques were used often and in fact further excelled. Christian iconography was frequently used in the designs. Gemstones were very popular and important. From India and Persia garnets, beryls, corundum and pearls were imported. Gold as well as silver was used in Byzantine jewelry. Designs were colorful and often adorned with intricate enamel.Types of jewelry in Byzantine were vast. From headware, to necklaces with large gemstones, bracelets, pendants with Christian iconography, rings and earrings were available to women. Men prefered pectoral ornaments with coins that indicated status. You can check out the beautiful samples of fine Byzantine craftsmanship below.

Byzantine Bracelets from

Byzantine Cross from

Small Decorated Byzantine Box from Metropolitan Museum

Byzantine Earrings from Walter's Museum
I hope you enjoyed this post where I briefly discussed my fascination with Byzantine and all its cultural riches including jewelry. Drop me a line for your questions and feel free to add your comments. See you next time!